Anand Kumar, the renowned mathematician behind the Super 30 initiative, has announced plans to expand his efforts by launching a new online platform aimed at providing education to underprivileged students across India.
Speaking at the 2024 Kellogg India Business Conference on the theme "Reimagining India: Shaping the Global Economic Landscape," Kumar emphasized the importance of leveraging technology to reach a wider audience. He highlighted the transformative power of education, citing the success stories of students who benefited from the Super 30 program.
Kumar revealed his intention to launch a new online educational platform that will bring education directly to the doorsteps of disadvantaged students. He emphasized the need to embrace available technology to ensure broader access to quality education.
Reflecting on the lessons learned during the pandemic, Kumar noted how social media connectivity enabled him to stay in touch with students confined to their homes. He stressed the importance of learning from adversity and expressed his belief in the untapped potential of talented individuals, particularly those from impoverished backgrounds.
Kumar reiterated his long-standing commitment to providing education to every underprivileged student, emphasizing that quality education should be accessible to all. He underscored the societal responsibility to ensure that opportunities reach those who need them the most and emphasized the role of technology in bridging the gap between privilege and poverty.